Name | Since | Deprecated | Type | OS | CPU | Component | Default | Availability | Description | Defined in |
Deprecated |
Name | Since | Deprecated | Type | OS | CPU | Component | Default | Availability | Description | Defined in |
Since | Deprecated | Type | OS | CPU | Component | Availability | ||||
AbortVMOnCompilationFailure | bool | compiler | false | product | Abort VM when method had failed to compile. | share/compiler/compiler_globals.hpp | ||||
AbortVMOnException | ccstr | runtime | NULL | product | Call fatal if this exception is thrown. Example: java -XX:AbortVMOnException=java.lang.NullPointerException Foo | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AbortVMOnExceptionMessage | ccstr | runtime | NULL | product | Call fatal if the exception pointed by AbortVMOnException has this message | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout | bool | runtime | false | product | Abort upon failure to reach safepoint (see SafepointTimeout) | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeout | bool | runtime | false | product | Abort upon failure to complete VM operation promptly | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay | intx | runtime | 1000 range(0, max_intx) | product | Delay in milliseconds for option AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeout | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
ActiveProcessorCount | int | gc | -1 | product | Specify the CPU count the VM should use and report as active | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor | uintx | gc | 4 range(1, max_uintx) | product | Adaptive size scale down factor for shrinking | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale | uintx | gc | 10 range(0, max_uintx) | product | Time scale over which major costs decay | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin | Obsoleted in JDK23 Expired in JDK24 | uintx | gc | 50 range(0, 100) | product | If collection costs are within margin, reduce both by full delta | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | |||
AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps | uintx | gc | 20 range(0, max_uintx) | product | Number of steps where heuristics is used before data is used | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval | uintx | gc | 0 range(0, max_uintx) | product | Collection interval for printing information; zero means never | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AdaptiveSizePolicyReadyThreshold | uintx | gc | 5 | develop | Number of collections before the adaptive sizing is started | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight | uintx | gc | 10 range(0, 100) | product | Weight given to exponential resizing, between 0 and 100 | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy | uintx | gc | 0 range(0, 1) | product | Policy for changing generation size for throughput goals | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AdaptiveTimeWeight | uintx | gc | 25 range(0, 100) | product | Weight given to time in adaptive policy, between 0 and 100 | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AdjustStackSizeForTLS | bool | linux | false | product | Increase the thread stack size to include space for glibc static thread-local storage (TLS) if true | os/linux/globals_linux.hpp | ||||
AggressiveHeap | bool | gc | false | product | Optimize heap options for long-running memory intensive apps | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AggressiveUnboxing | bool | c2 | true | product | Control optimizations for aggressive boxing elimination | share/opto/c2_globals.hpp | ||||
AliasLevel | Deprecated in JDK19 Obsoleted in JDK20 Expired in JDK21 | intx | c2 | 3 range(0, 3) | product | (Deprecated) 0 for no aliasing, 1 for oop/field/static/array split, 2 for class split, 3 for unique instances | share/opto/c2_globals.hpp | |||
AlignVector | bool | c2 | true | product | Perform vector store/load alignment in loop | share/opto/c2_globals.hpp | ||||
AllocateHeapAt | ccstr | runtime | NULL | product | Path to the directory where a temporary file will be created to use as the backing store for Java Heap. | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllocateInstancePrefetchLines | intx | runtime | 1 range(1, 64) | product | Number of lines to prefetch ahead of instance allocation pointer | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllocatePrefetchDistance | intx | runtime | -1 | product | Distance to prefetch ahead of allocation pointer. -1: use system-specific value (automatically determined | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllocatePrefetchInstr | intx | runtime | 0 | product | Select instruction to prefetch ahead of allocation pointer | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllocatePrefetchLines | intx | runtime | 3 range(1, 64) | product | Number of lines to prefetch ahead of array allocation pointer | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllocatePrefetchStepSize | intx | runtime | 16 range(1, 512) | product | Step size in bytes of sequential prefetch instructions | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllocatePrefetchStyle | intx | runtime | 1 range(0, 3) | product | 0 = no prefetch, 1 = generate prefetch instructions for each allocation, 2 = use TLAB watermark to gate allocation prefetch, 3 = generate one prefetch instruction per cache line | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent | bool | runtime | false | product | Allow Java agent to be run with CDS dumping | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllowExtshm | bool | aix | false | product | Allow VM to run with EXTSHM=ON. | os/aix/globals_aix.hpp | ||||
AllowParallelDefineClass | bool | runtime | false | product | Allow parallel defineClass requests for class loaders registering as parallel capable | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods | Deprecated in JDK13 | bool | runtime | false | product | (Deprecated) Allow redefinition to add and delete private static or final methods for compatibility with old releases | share/runtime/globals.hpp | |||
AllowUserSignalHandlers | bool | runtime | false | product | Application will install primary signal handlers for the JVM (Unix only) | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AllowVectorizeOnDemand | bool | c2 | true | product | Globally suppress vectorization set in VectorizeMethod | share/opto/c2_globals.hpp | ||||
AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine | bool | gc | false | product | Always act like a server-class machine | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AlwaysAtomicAccesses | bool | runtime | false | product | Accesses to all variables should always be atomic | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AlwaysCompileLoopMethods | bool | runtime | false | product | When using recompilation, never interpret methods containing loops | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AlwaysIncrementalInline | bool | c2 | false | develop | do all inlining incrementally | share/opto/c2_globals.hpp | ||||
AlwaysPreTouch | bool | gc | false | product | Force all freshly committed pages to be pre-touched | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
AlwaysRestoreFPU | bool | runtime | false | product | Restore the FPU control word after every JNI call (expensive) | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AlwaysSafeConstructors | bool | runtime | false | product | Force safe construction, as if all fields are final. | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AlwaysTenure | bool | gc | false | product | Always tenure objects in eden (ParallelGC only) | share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp | ||||
ArchiveClassesAtExit | ccstr | runtime | NULL | product | The path and name of the dynamic archive file | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
ArchiveRelocationMode | intx | runtime | 0 range(0, 2) | product | (0) first map at preferred address, and if unsuccessful, map at alternative address (default); (1) always map at alternative address; (2) always map at preferred address, and if unsuccessful, do not map the archive | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
ArrayAllocatorMallocLimit | size_t | runtime | (size_t)-1 | product | Allocation less than this value will be allocated using malloc. Larger allocations will use mmap. | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem | intx | c2 | 8 range(0, max_intx) | product | Maximum number of arraycopy elements inlined as a sequence of loads/stores | share/opto/c2_globals.hpp | ||||
ArrayOperationPartialInlineSize | intx | c2 | 0 range(0, 256) | product | Partial inline size used for small array operations (e.g. copy,cmp) acceleration. | share/opto/c2_globals.hpp | ||||
AssertRangeCheckElimination | bool | c1 | false | develop | Assert Range Check Elimination | share/c1/c1_globals.hpp | ||||
AsyncDeflationInterval | intx | runtime | 250 range(0, max_jint) | product | Async deflate idle monitors every so many milliseconds when MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold is exceeded (0 is off). | share/runtime/globals.hpp | ||||
AsyncLogBufferSize | size_t | runtime | 2*M range(100*K, 50*M) | product | Memory budget (in bytes) for the buffer of Asynchronous Logging (-Xlog:async). | share/runtime/globals.hpp |